Day 06
Day 08
10H00 Premiere
19H00 Closing Time
Day 07
10H00 Inauguration of the Penela Nativity Scene 24/25
Opening of the Christmas Market
TeteAnima - The Super Funny Team!
Sugar Season (Candy)
Charming Season (Games)
Memories (Instax Photo)
Magic Brush (Face Paintings)
10H15 Father Christmas arrives at the Magic House!
10H30 Porta da Traição – Medieval Music
11H00 Almanach: "The clumsy elves and the hunt for presents."
12H00 Almanach: "The Postman Paul and the Lost Letters."
15H00 Christmas Market - Mercado de Penela
16H00 Almanach: "Christmas Characters' Uproar."
17H00 Almanach: Fire Show - "Christmas Magic!"
20H00 Closing Time
9H00 International Sueca Tournament - Pavilhão Escolar de Penela
10H00 Opening Time
Opening of the Christmas Market
Almanach: Three Camels, Three Troublemakers
TeteAnima - The Super Funny Team!
Sugar Season (Candy)
Charming Season (Games)
Memories (Instax Photo)
Magic Brush (Face Paintings)
10H15 Father Christmas Magic House opening time!
10H20 Almanach: "Slowmotion Race with the Sweets Fairy."
10H30 Porta da Traição – Oriental/Arabic Music
11H00 ExperTree Park - Painting Workshop: Decorate your Christmas Pinecone (registration here)
12H00 Almanach: " The funny story of Father Christmas."
15H00 Presentation of the Ethnographic Folklore of the Senior University of Penela
15H30 Almanach: " The fantastic travels of the postman Paulo."
16H00 Almanach: "The Juggling Elves"
17H00 Almanach Fire Show: " Be careful not to wake the Giant.."
20H00 Closing Time
Dia 13
10H00 Opening Time
Opening of the Christmas Market
TeteAnima - The Super Funny Team!
Sugar Season (Candy)
Charming Season (Games)
Memories (Instax Photo)
Magic Brush (Face Paintings)
10H15 Father Christmas Magic House opening time!
11H00 Almanach: "The awakening of the 7 elves."
12H00 Almanach: " The snowman melts with love. "
15H00 Almanach: "The Butler resigns!"
16H00 Almanach "The elves get lost in the enchanted forest."
17H00 Fire Show: " The unusual Love for Christmas."
20H00 Closing Time
Dia 14
10H00 Opening Time
Opening of the Christmas Market
TeteAnima - The Super Funny Team!
Sugar Season (Candy)
Charming Season (Games)
Memories (Instax Photo)
Magic Brush (Face Paintings)
10H15 Father Christmas Magic House opening time!
10H30 ExperTree Park – Christmas Amigurumi Workshop: Create your own crochet Christmas ornament! (registration here)
10H35 Porta da Traição – Portuguese Popular Music
11H00 Almanach: " Mother Christmas's cupcakes". "
12H00 Almanach: " The deaf-mute elves."
15H30 ExperTree Park - Playdate in Nature: "Winter Sensations" (registration here)
15H45 Almanach: "Christmas dances"
16H00 Almanach: "Christmas Poems"
17H00 Almanach: Fire Show - " Pajama party at Father Christmas' house."
20H00 Closing Time
Dia 15
10H00 Opening Time
Opening of the Christmas Market
Almanach: Three Camels, Three Troublemakers!
TeteAnima - The Super Funny Team!
Sugar Season (Candy)
Charming Season (Games)
Memories (Instax Photo)
Magic Brush (Face Paintings)
10H15 Father Christmas Magic House opening time!
10H30 ExperTree Park - Playdate na Natureza: "Winter Sensations" (registration here)
10H35 Porta da Traição – Medieval Music
10H40 Almanach: "The Christmas Tango!. "
12H00 Almanach: "Distribution of gifts to misbehaving children. "
14h30 ExperTree Park – Painting Workshop: Ginger House (registration here)
15H00 Almanach: "The elves play tricks on the candy fairies"
16H00 Almanach: "Mother Christmas is in a bad mood."
17H00 Almanach: Fire Show - " The dreams of misbehaving children.’’
20H00 Closing Time
Dia 20
10H00 Opening Time
Opening of the Christmas Market
Almanach: Three Camels, Three Troublemakers!
TeteAnima - The Super Funny Team!
Sugar Season (Candy)
Charming Season (Games)
Memories (Instax Photo)
Magic Brush (Face Paintings)
10H15 Father Christmas Magic House opening time!
11H00 Almanach: "The Three Wise Men follow the wrong star"
11H30 Marsuppianee: " The Bumbling Elves"
12H00 Almanach: " The MFA Elves"
12H30 Marsuppianee - Human Statue - "The Prophet of the ChessBoard""
14H30 Almanach: " The liberation of the exiled fairies".
15H00 Almanach: "Christmas revolutionary choir"
15H30 Marsuppianee: " Clementine and Aramina, The Human Puppet"
17H00 Almanach: Fire Show - "The gifts revolution"
Marsuppianee: Fire Show - "The Elemental Magic of Christmas"
20H00 Closing Time
Dia 21
10H00 Opening Time
Opening of the Christmas Market
Almanach: Three Camels, Three Troublemakers!
TeteAnima - The Super Funny Team!
Sugar Season (Candy)
Charming Season (Games)
Memories (Instax Photo)
Magic Brush (Face Paintings)
10H15 Father Christmas Magic House opening time!
10H30 ExperTree Presépio – Cookies Workshop: Decorate your Christmas cookie! (registration on the here and at the Presepio)
11H00 Almanach - "Christmas Mannequin Challenge"
11H30 Marsuppianee: - " The Bumbling Elves"
12H00 Almanach - “The elf who wants to be a pirate.”
12H30 Marsuppianee - Human Statue "The Prophet of the ChessBoard""
14H30 Almanach - "The fairies have a Rock day"
14H45 Marsuppianee: " Clementine and Aramina, The Human Puppet"
15H00 Music Presentation - Filarmónica do Espinhal – Quinteto
15H30 Marsuppianee: " Clementine and Aramina, The Human Puppet"
16H00 Almanach - "The elves who speak while singing"
17H00 Almanach: Fire Show - " The musical notes of Christmas.’’
17H30 Marsuppianee: Fire Show - "The Elemental Magic of Christmas"
20H00 Closing Times
Dia 22
8H00 12th Meeting of TT Friends of Christmas in Espinhal
10H00 Opening Time
Opening of the Christmas Market
Almanach: Three Camels, Three Troublemakers!
TeteAnima - The Super Funny Team!
Sugar Season (Candy)
Charming Season (Games)
Memories (Instax Photo)
Magic Brush (Face Paintings)
10H15 Father Christmas Magic House opening time!
10H30 Almanach "The little faries"
10H40 Marsuppianee: " The Bumbling Elves"
11H00 Almanach: “The Postman Paulo wants to escape.”
12H00 Marsuppianee: Human Statue - "The Prophet of the Chess Board""
12H30 Almanach "The elves are on vacation!"
14H30 ExperTree Park – Painting Workshop: Christmas collage with
elements of Nature! (registration here)
14H40 Marsuppianee: " Clementine and Aramina, The Human Puppet"
14H45 Domingão TV Program – live from Penela
15H00 Christmas Concert with Filarmónica of Espinhal and
Carlota Taylor Choir - Igreja Matriz do Espinhal
15H25 Marsuppianee: " Clementine and Aramina, The Human Puppet"
15H30 Almanach: "Where are the giant's clothes?"
17H00 Almanach: Fire Show - "Christmas Fashion"
17H30 Marsuppianee: Fire Show - "The Elemental Magic of Christmas"
20H00 Closing Time
Dia 24
10H00 Opening Time
Opening of the Christmas Market
Almanach: Three Camels, Three Troublemakers!
TeteAnima - The Super Funny Team!
Sugar Season (Candy)
Charming Season (Games)
Memories (Instax Photo)
Magic Brush (Face Paintings)
10H15 Father Christmas Magic House opening time!
10H40 Almanach: "The elves assault the three wise men”
11H30 Almanach: "Mother Christmas discovers she is pregnant."
14H30 Almanach: "Father Christmas' Escape."
15H15 Almanach: "The presents are coming! Come!"
16H30 Almanach: Fire Show - "Mother Christmas”
17H00 Closing Time
23H50 Lighting the Wood of the Baby Jesus – Grocinas
Dia 25
15H00 Opening Time
Opening of the Christmas Market
TeteAnima - The Super Funny Team!
Sugar Season (Candy)
Charming Season (Games)
Memories (Instax Photo)
Magic Brush (Face Paintings)
15H15 Porta da Traição – Christmas Music
16H00 Christmas Concert by Sociedade Filarmónica Penelense
with Band and Choir - Auditório
19H00 Closing Time
Dia 26
10H00 Opening Time
Opening of the Christmas Market
TeteAnima - The Super Funny Team!
Sugar Season (Candy)
Charming Season (Games)
Memories (Instax Photo)
Magic Brush (Face Paintings)
10H30 Almanach: "The exchange of gifts"
11H30 Almanach: "North Pole Games"
12H30 Almanach: "Mother Christmas's Dreams"
14H30 Almanach: "Christmas Complaints"
17H00 Almanach: Fire Show - "My favorite gift!"
19H00 Closing Time
Dia 27
10H00 Opening Time
Opening of the Christmas Market
Almanach: Three Camels, Three Troublemakers!
TeteAnima - The Super Funny Team!
Sugar Season (Candy)
Charming Season (Games)
Memories (Instax Photo)
Magic Brush (Face Paintings)
10H30 Marsuppianee: ‘’The Bumbling Elves"
11H00 Almanach: "AiAiAi!, they never get there again!"
11H30 Marsuppianee: Human Statue - "The Prophet of the Chess Board"
12H00 Almanach: "Three Wise Men give “water” to the camels in Dueça"
12H30 Marsuppianee: " Human Statue - "The Prophet of the Chess Board"
14H45 Marsuppianee: " Clementine and Aramina, The Human Puppet"
15H00 Almanach: "Big show Elf”
16H00 Almanach: "Father Christmas' laughter"
17H00 Almanach: Fire Show - "It's cold at the North Pole"
17H30 Marsuppianee: Fire Show - "The Elemental Magic of Christmas"
20H00 Closing Time
Dia 28
10H00 Opening Time
Opening of the Christmas Market
Almanach: Three Camels, Three Troublemakers!
TeteAnima - The Super Funny Team!
Sugar Season (Candy)
Charming Season (Games)
Memories (Instax Photo)
Magic Brush (Face Paintings)
10H30 Marsuppianee - " The Bumbling Elves"
11H00 Almanach: "The Adventures of Postman Paul"
11H30 Marsuppianee: Human Statue - "The Prophet of the Chess Board"
11H45 Almanach: "An Adventure at the Penela Nativity Scene"
12H00 Marsuppianee: " Clementine and Aramina, The Human Puppet"
12H45 Almanach: "Hustle and bustle at Father Christmas' factory"
14H45 Marsuppianee: " Clementine and Aramina, The Human Puppet"
15H00 Music presentation n-SEMBLE da SFP at the Presépio
15H30 Almanach: "The elves go to the beach!”
17H00 Almanach: EFire Show - "At Night in Lapland"
17H30 Marsuppianee: Fire Show - "The Elemental Magic of Christmas"
21H00 Christmas Prayer Concert by COD Coimbra Choir - Igreja Santa Eufémia de Penela
20H00 Closing Time
Dia 29
10H00 Opening Time
Opening of the Christmas Market
Almanach: Three Camels, Three Troublemakers!
TeteAnima - The Super Funny Team!
Sugar Season (Candy)
Charming Season (Games)
Memories (Instax Photo)
Magic Brush (Face Paintings)
10H15 Marsuppianee: " The Bumbling Elves"
10H30 Almanach: "The elves' Christmas belly"
11H00 Marsuppianee: Human Statue - "The Prophet of the Chess Board"
12H00 Almanach: "The elves go to the disco."
12H30 Marsuppianee: " Clementine and Aramina, The Human Puppet"
14H30 ExperTree Park - Painting Workshop: Make your Three Kings Day Crown!
(registration here)
14H45 Marsuppianee: " Clementine and Aramina, The Human Puppet"
15H00 Music Presentation Ensemble by Academia de Música Filarmónica Espinhal
15H30 Almanach: "The letters forgotten by the Postman Paulo"
17H00 Almanach: Fire Show - "The Last Christmas Lights"
18H00 Marsuppianee: Fire Show - "The Elemental Magic of Christmas"
20H00 Closing Time
Dia 31
10H00 Opening Time
Opening of the Christmas Market
TeteAnima - The Super Funny Team!
Sugar Season (Candy)
Charming Season (Games)
Memories (Instax Photo)
Magic Brush (Face Paintings)
10H30 Almanach: "Good morning, last day"
11H00 Almanach: "The Fairies eat non-stop."
12H30 Almanach: "In search of the ideal outfit for New Year's Eve"
14H30 Almanach: "The last race..."
16H00 Joha: Light Show - ""New Year's bonfire"
17H00 Closing Time
23H59 New Year's Firework – Castle
Dia 01
15H00 Opening Time
Opening of the Christmas Market
TeteAnima - The Super Funny Team!
Sugar Season (Candy)
Charming Season (Games)
Memories (Instax Photo)
Magic Brush (Face Paintings)
15H15 Porta da Traição – Portuguese Popular Music
19H00 Closing Time
Dia 03
10H00 Opening Time
Opening of the Christmas Market
TeteAnima - The Super Funny Team!
Sugar Season (Candy)
Charming Season (Games)
Memories (Instax Photo)
Magic Brush (Face Paintings)
11H00 Almanach: "Mother Christmas' cooking classes"
12H00 Almanach: "The confusion installed in the Enchanted Forest of Penela"
15H00 Almanach: "The camels lost in the desert"
16H00 Almanach: "The Star that does not guide..."
17H00 Joha – Light Show - "Ice and fire"
20H00 Closing Time
Dia 04
10H00 Opening Time
Opening of the Christmas Market
TeteAnima - The Super Funny Team!
Sugar Season (Candy)
Charming Season (Games)
Memories (Instax Photo)
Magic Brush (Face Paintings)
11H00 Almanach: "The Christmas tango. "
12H00 Almanach: "Distribution of gifts to misbehaving children."
14H30 Almanach: "Mother Christmas is in a bad mood."
15H00 Music Presentation CPJRD at the Presépio
17H30 Joha– Light Show – The Kings Are Approaching!
20H00 Closing Time
Dia 05
10H00 Opening Time
Opening of the Christmas Market
Almanach: Three Camels, Three Troublemakers!
TeteAnima - The Super Funny Team!
Sugar Season (Candy)
Charming Season (Games)
Memories (Instax Photo)
Magic Brush (Face Paintings)
10H30 Almanach: "The arrival of the Three Wise Men"
12H00 Almanach: "Mother Christmas's tidying up"
14H30 Almanach: "The leftover gifts for the well-behaved children"
15H00 Choir Meeting - Igreja Matriz do Espinhal
15H15 Almanach: "The elves go to school"
15H30 Almanach: Three Camels, Three Troublemakers - Farewell to the Kings!!
16H00 Music Presentation Senior University School of Cavaquinhos of Penela
17H00 Joha – Light Show - "Gold,"
18H00 End of Penela Presepio 24/25